Pumpkin Crunch Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
Yes, it's the only frosting i deem worthy of eating at the moment.
Recipe Summary Pumpkin Crunch Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
This tastes a bit like pumpkin cheesecake on a sugar cookie crust, but the ingredients may surprise you (they did me!). This was served at a holiday party and everyone kept going back for more.Ingredients | Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting Cakeprep: 15 mins cook: 50 mins additional: 1 hr total: 2 hrs 5 mins Servings: 12 Yield: 12 servings
TAG : Pumpkin Crunch Cake With Cream Cheese FrostingFruits and Vegetables, Vegetables, Squash,
Images of Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting Cake
Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting Cake - Add the powdered sugar and vanilla beat on low speed until the sugar is mixed in then have you made this intense chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting?