Elimination Meatballs With Zucchini
Or is atmosklear the best odor eliminator, period?
Recipe Summary Elimination Meatballs With Zucchini
I came up with these zucchini and sweet potato meatballs when I was on an elimination diet for food allergies. Simple, pure ingredients and yummy. Serve over jasmine rice.Ingredients | Atmosklear Odorless Odor Eliminatorprep: 15 mins cook: 1 hr total: 1 hr 15 mins Servings: 4 Yield: 4 servings
TAG : Elimination Meatballs With ZucchiniMeat and Poultry Recipes, Turkey, Ground Turkey Recipes,
Images of Atmosklear Odorless Odor Eliminator
Atmosklear Odorless Odor Eliminator / Stop making this odor eliminator!