Pumpkin-Spiced Martini
The subject of this article was removed from world of warcraft this item can be purchased in shattrath city (4), the exodar (4), thunder bluff (4), silvermoon city.
Recipe Summary Pumpkin-Spiced Martini
Holiday cocktail.Ingredients | Soothing Spices Shattrathprep: 5 mins total: 5 mins Servings: 1 Yield: 1 cocktail
TAG : Pumpkin-Spiced MartiniDrinks, Cocktail Recipes, Rum Drinks Recipes,
Images of Soothing Spices Shattrath
Soothing Spices Shattrath - This item can be purchased in shattrath city (4), the exodar (4), thunder bluff (4), silvermoon city (3), ashenvale (2), darnassus (2), eastern plaguelands (2).